Thursday, 14 June 2012

The next Rock N Roll Bingo is:

Wednesday June 20th @ White Trash Fast Food (Guest DJ Eddie Argos of Art Brut)


To BOOK Rock N Roll Bingo or for more information get in contact with us!


PHONE: +49 (0) 17659687607


Previous Bingo's of 2012:

June 6th @ White Trash Fast Food
May 30th @ Lange Nacht, Neukoln
May 23rd @ White Trash Fast Food
May 16th @ Lange Nacht, Neukoln
May 15th @ Hard Rock Cafe, 20th Anniversary Celebration
May 9th @ White Trash Fast Food
April 18th @ White Trash Fast Food
April 4th @ White Trash Fast Food
March 21st @ White Trash Fast Food - "Rock n Roll Bingo 1st Birthday"
March 7th @ White Trash Fast Food
February 15th @ White Trash Fast Food
February 1st @ White Trash Fast Food
January 4th @ White Trash Fast Food


We'd like to say a big thankyou to Universal, CO-OP and Snowhite for the CD's they give us each week...


Come join the Bingo party on facebook:

Monday, 5 March 2012

Rock n Roll Bingo - The March Editions


Heres the low down in case you forgot...

'Just like bingo your Granny play's but card numbers are replaced with your favourite 'ROCK N ROLL' bands, 10 in total, and then it's just a case of: we play the songs, you cross them off. Full card wins! Followed by Berlins best Wednesday night party with dancing into the small hours.
3 games 3 great prizes to be won!'


Game 1 - 15 Euros to spend on Bar/Food (9.30pm)
Game 2 - 20 Euros to spend on Bar/Food (10.30pm)
Game 3 - 40 Euros to spend on Bar/Food (11.30pm)

All winners also receive a goodybag of CDs and Vinyls from Berlin record label SNOWHITE!!!

White Trash Fast Food
Schönhauser Allee 6/7
10119 Berlin

U bahn: Rosa Luxemburg Platz

Host: James Ronald Edward Cubitt of Great White Shark...

DJ's: Great White Shark, Eightlegs


After the games we clear out all things bingo, lower the lights and have a good old fashioned rock n roll DISCO till late late late....